This is Part II in the series of three reflecting the times we are living through:

  1. The Cautious Me
  2. The Skeptic Me
  3. The Optimistic Me

When all of this is over
Maybe we do not
Fall into oblivion
As if
Nothing happened
Nothing mattered
Nothing came
nothing conquered
There was nothing
What got us thinking
Nothing that got us
Locked inside for quite sometime
And left us sinking!

When all of this is gone by
Maybe we do not
Get back to our usual “usual”
What brought us here
At the very first.
Lest we forget what
The nature showed
In those 21 days
The mountain peaks
Clear skies and safer air
Streams and rivers, oh so clear!
Maybe we do not forget that 
Humans caged and animals roamed freely

When this becomes a thing of past
A tell-a-tale, of our bravery
Of staying at homes 
And saving the mankind
Maybe we do not ignore
Hints left by the nature
To live in harmony.
Tomorrow, while we rejoice
Maybe we do not laugh it out
What happened to all of us
In a meme or a jest
Just because we survived
Because we all lived it through!